The Challenge; to inspire people.
Struggling with body image and excessive weight was always a problem for me. Not only did it affect me mentally but also physically. Exercising was my worst nightmare and comfort eating was something I was no stranger too.
At the age of 17, I realised that I was putting my size 24 self into a dangerous position. It was then that I made the only New Year’s resolution that I ever kept and managed to lose 10 stone in one year. Since that time, I have worked with a variety of people to help them to feel empowered by exercise. My passion for Personal Training derives from my own weight-loss experience as I understand the hard-work, determination and persistence it takes to transform yourself into a healthier, happier you.
Qualifications & Memberships
Level 3 Personal Trainer
Level 2 Spin Qualified
First Aid Trained
Applied Nutrition