Salle Ossian Fencing Club is a charity dedicated to promoting the health and fitness benefits of the olympic sport of fencing across Perthshire.
We are a family and community club that provides access to high quality facilities, equipment and coaching for both competitive and recreational fencers and to diverse community groups.
Together with Perth and Kinross Local Authority, Sports Development, Active Schools and Live Active, we work to promote the sport in schools across Perthshire, to identify and nurture talent and to provide pathways to high level performance and to promote the benefit of healthier lifestyles through sport.
Salle Ossian aims to be one of the most successful fencing clubs in the UK in terms of both the results of it’s athletes and it’s positive impact on the community.
Qualifications & Memberships
British Fencing Member Club
British Academy of Fencing
Disclosure Scotland
Scottish Fencing Coach Development Programme